something bigger

where to buy gabapentin online Traveling the world certainly brings you face to face with every type of person imaginable. Mean, kind, poor, wealthy, arrogant, humble, violent, peace-loving. I’ve encountered every kind.

I’m fascinated by the differences between people and cultures… but what I’m most fascinated by is whether or not people believe in a God. You see, I’m a Christian; I love Jesus. In fact, I love Him enough to have walked away from everything else I love to serve as a missionary in third-world countries for a year. Yet… I can understand different reasons people have for not sharing my faith.

What I can’t understand, though, is how anyone could ever deny that there’s a God.

Yes, I have my moments of doubt. I’m sure most of us do. The last several months have been tough, and I’ve grappled with my faith under trying circumstances. But every time I step outside of my apartment in Colorado, I see these crazy, majestic mountains that fill me with a sense of childlike awe and wonderment. And in those moments, I know – without a doubt – that my God hand-sculpted those mountains. In those moments, I know – like really, truly know – that His love is real. And that because of His great love – a love powerful enough to create and move mountains – everything will be just fine.

Through my faith, I’ve seen things that few others have. Strange things. Wonderful things. Things I don’t quite understand. Things that somewhat frighten me… and at the same time leave me fascinated and curious. I’ve seen miracles. Real miracles – that could only come from something bigger than myself. Something bigger than science… or intelligence… or reason. Perhaps most people will never see such things.

But honestly… I truly hope that every person who gazes upon the expansive, natural beauty of this world is both blessed and humbled enough in such moments to experience an intimate, mind-blowing love encounter… with a great, big, awesome God.


Me and Spencer at the Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado. Sand dunes and mountains together? Only possible by the hands of the world’s greatest Creator.


“He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth– the LORD God Almighty is his name.” Amos 4:13